

Page history last edited by JaneVG 13 years, 10 months ago



New:  A quick video on moving from  PC to a Mac can be found here.



jane 1/14.  Yesterday this teacher tweeted about posting this short video about her first graders using many of the tools that we're exploring.     Take a look:


YouTube plugin error



Tech Class: UWB Teacher Education


Winter 2011


Teaching with Web 2.0 tools involves us in making best use of the opportunity “to share, connect, and create with many, many others of like-minds and interests;

the collaborative construction of knowledge where learning is a continuous conversation among many participants.”

-Will Richardson



What do young people need to know in order to become full, active, creative, critical, and ethically responsible participants in a media-rich environment?

And what steps do we need to take to make sure that these skills are available to all?

-Howard Rheingold


New Media Literacies






During Autumn and Winter Quarters, we'll be exploring a variety of digital tools that can enable us to learn and to teach in ways unimaginable only a few short years ago. We'll be using tools that enable learners to connect across geographic distances, to collaborate with peers near and far, to represent what they know in multiple modalities, to learn learn from people representing multiple perspectives, and to find authentic audiences for their work.


Specifically, we'll develop skill in  using technology to support:


  • Your own professional development and learning
  • Your students' learning
  • Communication between home and school in support of student learning



Jane Van Galen



Via Email and by appointment







This quarter, we will work with tools though which we began exploring how we (and our students) might connect with others digitally, while we will also worked on such skills as uploading files to the web, editing images, embedding video on websites, creating hyperlinks, and designing web pages.


For details on this quarter's assignments, go to:

Cohort 15 Assignments

Ex11 Assignments





This course is graded credit-no credit. To get credit for the course, you must complete all assignments by the deadline.




* make your own custom keyboard (or chocolate bar, or cereal box, or other useless objects!) at glassgiant.com


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