Voice Threads


Examples from Classroom Practice



Using VoiceThreads for writing prompts


VoiceTheads for young children's book reports*


Using VoiceThreads to analyze errors on math homework


First Graders tell the story of an exciting field trip.*


Creating a digital science notebook.*


This teacher uses VoiceThread in teaching young children a new language, with ideas that could also be used for ELL learners.  She includes examples with map exercises, vocabulary, categorization.  Many ideas here.


Ms. Mercer demonstrates using voicethread instead of written reports to document learning.


On this wiki, teachers from around the world how they use Voicethread in their classrooms.


And last but not least, you can find 500 "math casts" for K-7 math on this amazing wiki.


More Ideas for Classroom Use



Tutorials for Voice Thread


Excellent step-by-step instructions, including tips for keeping student identities private, can be found here.  Note that this is also an excellent example of using Voice Thread to teach.


VoiceThread for Professional Development


This teacher initiates conversation about grading, using Voicethread as his platform:



Handouts for Student Prep for Voice Thread Work


Here is a handout developed by a teacher to help students to prepare for participating in  a Voice Thread.  Handout_Voicethread_Previewing.doc

And here's another handout prepared by the same teacher to help students to prepare their comments.  Handout_Voicethread_Commenting.doc


Making the Case for Voice Thread to Administrators/Internet Safety


Check our this excellent blog post that includes a letter to school /network adminstrators about how teachers will use Voice Thead safely.   The comments are also well worth reading.